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Gavirate stemma


Placed where the slopes of the Campo dei Fiori meet the Lake Varese, Gavirate is still today the more important tourist center of the area. Just for this, in the past, the Lake Varese has been called Lake of Gavirate.

Gavirate lungolago
Lungolago Virginia

Gavirate lungolago Virginia
Lungolago Virginia

Gavirate lago in secca
The 2003 drought



On the left of the provincial road, there is the historical center with many seventeenth.eighteenth buildings.

Ancient public wash-houses, made by separate laundry tubs joined only by the crossing of the water, are scattered for all the municipality.

To see:

- the lakeside promenade Lungolago Virginia

- the Parco Morselli, with the house of the writer Guido Morselli

- the Parco dei Ciusitt, with a spring water

- the votive chapel named Chiesetta della SS. Trinità

- the Museo della Pipa, in an eighteenth lombard house

- at Voltorre, the famous chiostro di S. Michele, known as chiostro di Voltorre.


Gavirate Lago



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